Sport is a great tool for the development of healthy habits

 And the acquisition of values; providing different physical and psychological benefits. It is known the predominant role that the coach has regarding the quality of the sports experience of young athletes. The objective of this work is to configure a profile of the excellent coach in grassroots nba중계, determine which areas are part of it and what is the weight of each of these areas in this professional profile. To do this, we used the data collection technique of focus groups, creating four focus groups: grassroots coaches (n = 9); footballers in the children, cadet and youth category footballers (n = 12); parents of base players (n = 8); and sports psychologists (n = 3).

The results indicate that the profile of the excellent trainer

 could be defined by three dimensions: disciplinary, methodological and personal, with a possible preference towards the personal dimension; including among its competences emotional balance, values, leadership capacity and efficient motivation, among others; In addition to continuous training on football and proper organization and planning of the teaching-learning process. In conclusion, these results do not seem to coincide with the design, development and evaluation of the contents dedicated to the training of coaches.

Therefore, a practical application of this study is that the curriculum

of the coaches should be revised to include content related to the personal dimension of the coach. In addition to continuous training on football and proper organization and planning of the teaching-learning process. In conclusion, these results do not seem to coincide with the design, development and evaluation of the contents dedicated to the training of coaches.

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Therefore, a practical application of this study is that the curriculum

 of the coaches should be revised to include content related to the personal dimension of the coach. In addition to continuous training on football and proper organization and planning of the teaching-learning process. In conclusion, these results do not seem to coincide with the design, development and evaluation of the contents dedicated to the training of coaches. Therefore, a practical application of this study is that the curriculum of the coaches should be revised to include content related to the personal dimension of the coach.

Therefore, a practical application of this study is that the coaches’

curriculum should be revised to include content related to the coach’s personal dimension. Besides continuous training on soccer and organization and proper planning of the teaching-learning process. In conclusion, these results do not seem to coincide with the conception, development and evaluation of two contents dedicated to the training of trainers.

 Therefore, a practical application of this study is that the coaches’

curriculum should be revised to include content related to the coach’s personal dimension. In addition to continuous training on soccer and organization and proper planning of the teaching-learning process. In conclusion, these results do not seem to coincide with the conception, development and evaluation of two contents dedicated to the training of trainers. Therefore, a practical application of this study is that the coaches’ curriculum should be revised to include content related to the coach’s personal dimension.

About Williams Harris

Williams Harris has been working in internet marketing industry for more than a decade. He has also done lots of writing in this time and wrote on various topics for not only his blogs but for his clients as well.

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