SEO Secrets That Will Sky Rocket Your Traffic in 2020 & 2021

SEO Secrets

You have already heard about SEO and its magical results. The art of optimization is no longer a hidden fact, but wait why is not every one is ranking at the top if there are no secrets of SEO? Let’s dive deep into the topic and understand the SEO secrets that can generate thousand of audience to your website.

SEO is the best way to rank higher in search results, it is a process of winning the trust of search engines. Fixing your website’s content structure and organizing your website so the user can easily traverse to the required piece of information is one of the best practices of SEO.

Many Online websites provide free SEO training and label their courses as an advance SEO training program. By the end of the program, they will ask you to join for a premium course to learn SEO hacks or secrets. The contents they provide in the premium course are most likely the same that were covered in the free training.

The point is that there are some advance techniques that can only be implemented by pro seo experts and these techniques are discussed in below sections.

Certified Security

Google launched a stronger encryption algorithm back in 2014. This is a security protocol that enables a website to secure their content and web traffic. Imagine if you are in a market and there are 2 shops selling the same item you want, one store is having a security guard that is ready to welcome and guide you for the location of the product the second store doesn’t have a plan of security at all.

A subtle sense of trust will create in your mind and you will enter into the store that is more secure. Same goes for websites google and other search engines prefer a site that has earned the SSL certificate for their site.

Index Sitemap

Sitemap is crucial for Google; search engines must understand your site’s structure so they can show the right page to the visitor. Google doesn’t want to disappoint its visitor for any reason that is why it demand a sitemap that can be indexed in database. The sitemap help search engine to recognize the content of your site so it can show the precise page of your site against a search query.

Indexing a sitemap can be done through robots.txt file. Without submitting this file, the search engine might show your private information such as passwords against search query.

Site Speed

Website speed plays an incredible role in page rankings. If the speed is not up to the mark search engine won’t consider your site and even penalize you for creating bad impact. The site of the speed can cost you a lot, a loyal visitor can shift to your competitor’s site if the site is loading very slow.

The ideal load time is considered less than 2 seconds if the site is opening in less than 2 seconds your site will experience an exponential rise into rankings. 3 seconds is also acceptable load time but any time that goes after 4 seconds will thrash your site experience from the competition.

Creative & Quality Blogging

Blogging is just like performing a motivational or inspirational speech to your audience that creates trust and develops a sense of friendship. A blog must be creative full of value and well organized. Blogs are the front end of your site they must be published after healthy research and updated regularly.

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There must be no spelling or any other language mistakes so the readers can enjoy the blog post and feel pleasure. Copying content from other sites should be avoided and preference is given to creative writing.

Every blog post has to be published after taking interest of the users into the account and not for the sake of SEO. If the visitor is getting enough information and deep understanding of the required topic with easy language google with uplift the site in search results.

Always prioritize the thinking and behavior of the user and create an engaging post that tends the readers to like share and comment on your post. Do reply to the queries in the comments so the bond of relationship gets stronger.

Interested in blogging and how you can organically grow your audience? Read our recent article about organic vs paid search.

Build Credibility, Not Just Back-links

Back-linking is considered the back-end working of a site. Most of the SEO engineers just find a cheap way to put a link into another website. This strategy will not work for a long period because the SEO responsible person is not working by heart. He / She is just doing his job to complete daily tasks and not believing in the business goals.

Link building is just like human relations, just to remember the name of a person and having respect or a positive reputation about a person are 2 different things. Same goes for back-links you have to create a trustworthy reputation in the online community. Create your brand that people feel proud of the visitors tends to possess the brand with awesome feelings. Avoid spamming and black hat techniques that can damage your website’s authority.

Focus on Long Tail Keywords & Location

Give a large priority to long-tail keywords especially if you are a new business because targeting a short keyword will throw you into the direct competition with larger brands. For example, instead of targeting ‘digital marketing agency’ focus on ‘digital marketing agency in Lahore’. Targeting the location in keywords will help a visitor to search you quickly. Moreover, targeting a short keyword can lead your expertise in a vague manner.

Fresh & Updated Content

Whenever a user types a search query in the search engine probability is higher that he/she is looking for latest and updated news or research. The accuracy and precise information that can add actual value to the visitor will increase the interest of the reader that results in a lower bounce rate. Recency and consistency are now a vital ranking factor for search engines. No one wants to read the outdated and old piece of information.

Final Words from Us

We hope that now you are deeply understood SEO secrets that will help you grow in 2020 and in 2021. The secret SEO strategies are no more secret from you now, rather investing your time in other activities start implementing by making these changes in your site. The ultimate goal of SEO is to win the trust of the search engine and create value able content for your visitors. These are the fundamentals as well as advanced SEO techniques that are covered in most SEO pieces of training.  

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