DeskFlex Review

DeskFlex Review

DeskFlex is a marketplace that enables businesses to manage flexible office space. Its unique features include an online workspace, an Epazz integration, and a free 30-day trial. It also integrates with MS Exchange and Outlook. This online workspace helps companies maximize the amount of flexible workspace they have.

DeskFlex is an online marketplace that allows businesses to manage flexible office space

DeskFlex is a software platform that provides enterprise-level solutions for businesses to manage flexible office space and share desks with other companies. Its software also integrates enterprise-grade identity verification and access management. The company has a variety of features for its users, including sensors that communicate with the desks and check employees in and out, which helps maintain accurate inventories and prevent ghost bookings. Additionally, the app allows employees to see the degree of occupancy for a particular space.

Using DeskFlex can help businesses save money on rent. They can book conference rooms, workspaces, office equipment, and even car parking spaces. They can also keep track of facility usage and occupancy rates, and use 3D floor maps to plan their office spaces.

It integrates with Outlook/MS Exchange

DeskFlex integrates with MS Exchange and Outlook to give you the ability to manage your calendar and scheduling from one application. This integration allows you to easily find available meeting rooms, add attendees, and schedule video conferences. Using this tool also saves time by eliminating the need to duplicate information or reschedule meetings.

DeskFlex is easy to use and integrates with MS Outlook calendaring. It simplifies room scheduling and provides an intuitive user interface. It also tracks facility usage and provides detailed reports. It also includes dynamic floor maps and 3D floor views, which will help you better manage your office space.

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DeskFlex also offers a free 30-day trial, where you can book office space for up to one month without paying a dime. During this time, you can see if the product is right for your business.

It offers a 30-day free trial

Desk Flex is a workspace rental service that allows you to book desks and rooms for free for up to a month. Although it does not compare to renting a physical office, DeskFlex is a convenient option for people who don’t have the time to search for office space.

If you’re not sure if DeskFlex is right for you, try out their 30-day free trial. This software can be highly useful in several situations, such as when people are infected with a virus. DeskFlex also helps you monitor the temperature of your workspace. This is especially useful in healthcare settings, government institutions, and enterprises. You can even use DeskFlex as a hot desk booking system.

DeskFlex’s hot desk room booking system is highly customizable and can integrate with existing company networks. You can access the system with your company credentials.