Which establishes the titles of Sports Technician

Royal Decree 1913/1997, of December 19, grants the consideration of special regime teachings, to those teachings that lead to obtaining the titles of sports technicians mentioned in article 55 of Law 10/1990, of December 15 October, Sport. Likewise, it approves the general guidelines on degrees and the corresponding minimum education.

Once the aforementioned Royal Decree has established

the general guidelines for the establishment of the titles of sports technicians, it is appropriate that the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, establish each of the titles corresponding to the sports modalities or specialties recognized by the Higher  해외축구 중계사이트 Council, set their respective minimum teachings and determine the various aspects of the academic organization that, without prejudice to the powers attributed to the competent educational Administrations in the establishment of the curriculum of these special regime teachings, guarantee a training basic common to all students.

This Royal Decree establishes and regulates the titles of Sports

Technician and Senior Sports Technician in Football and Sports Technician and Senior Sports Technician in Festal and defines, in terms of professional profile, their most characteristic skills.

Likewise, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1913/1997, the total duration of the teachings of each title, the duration of the blocks and training modules is established. The academic and professional requirements of the teaching staff, the equivalences of qualifications for teaching purposes, the specific tests for access to training and the minimum requirements of the centers that provide these teachings are also specified.

Royal Decree 1913/1997, of December 19, and this Royal Decree

 Create the path that allows improving the training of the Technicians of the Football specialties, which will facilitate the process of their recognition by the Member States of the Union. European Union, in line with Directive 92/51/CEE, of the Council, of June 18, relative to a second general system for the recognition of professional training that completes Directive 89/48/CEE, of the Council, of June 1 December 1988, relating to a general system of recognition of higher education qualifications that sanction training of a minimum duration of three years.

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The minimum teachings regulated by this Royal Decree

 Have been configured to provide students with sufficient knowledge to allow them to carry out their functions competently. In accordance with this generic objective, the accent is placed on achieving complete training, with a balance between its theoretical and practical nature, so that the training process is linked to the scientific-technical and social reality of both specialties.

Likewise, to reinforce the practical character, constitutive of the nature of these studies, the minimum teachings contemplate not only the practical classes that complement the theoretical contents that are taught in the educational centers, but also the practical training block that the students will carry out in certain sports entities, and the final project that they have to develop to complete their studies.

The incorporation of the practical training block is a fundamental

 Piece in the construction of these teachings, since the intervention of professionals and sports entities as collaborators in the practical training of students will provide future technicians with the possibility of learning to solve, on the field, the problems of their professional activity.

In the elaboration of this norm, the Autonomous Communities that are in full exercise of their educational competences, the Council of Universities and the State School Council have been consulted.

About Williams Harris

Williams Harris has been working in internet marketing industry for more than a decade. He has also done lots of writing in this time and wrote on various topics for not only his blogs but for his clients as well.

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