Features of Product Quality Control Management at the Enterprise

quality control management

Quality control throughout the enterprise is entrusted to the central quality control management (or quality assurance) service, whose functions include the development of quality indicators for all types of products, quality control methods and testing procedures, analysis of complaints and the procedure for their settlement, finding out the causes of defects and marriage and the conditions for their elimination. 

The control service carries out its activities in close contact with the relevant services in the production departments, as well as with the factory quality control services (or technical control departments). 

The central control service can check the quality of raw materials and materials, the technological process, the organization of product testing control, the acceptance rules used by the factory quality service or the technical control department, and sometimes selectively check the quality of products that have already passed technical control. 

One of the most important functions of the central control service is planning and coordinating all work in the field of quality assurance services, establishing the necessary links between quality control services in the production departments of enterprises. 

Through the central control service, centralization of management in the field of improving the quality of products is carried out. 

Through the central control service, centralization of management in the field of improving the quality of products is carried out.

Through the central control service, centralization of management in the field of improving the quality of products is carried out.

Thus, control is designed to ensure the verification of the execution of management decisions at all levels of management for compliance with established standards and conditions for the economic activity of the enterprise.

To control the quality of products, it is necessary to have:

1) indicators (standards, technical parameters) characterizing the quality of products;

2) methods and means of quality assurance control;

3) means of technical audit;

4) the results of the complaint analysis;

5) causes of defects, defects and conditions for their elimination.

Features of Ensuring the Quality of Services

Quality management measures should be developed as an integral part of the service delivery processes: marketing, design and delivery. The quality control specification should facilitate the effective control of each process relating to the service so that the process consistently satisfies the service specification and customer requirements.

Quality management design includes:

– identification of key activities in each process that significantly affect a particular service;

– analysis of key activities to select those characteristics, the measurement and control of which will ensure the quality of the service;

– definition of methods for evaluating selected characteristics;

– the introduction of means of influencing the characteristics or their control within specific limits.

At the end of each service design step, a formal documented review of the design against the service brief should be performed. The design work at the end of each phase should be reviewed for consistency and ability to meet the requirements of:

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§ Items in the service specification relating to customer needs and satisfaction;

§ Items in the service delivery specification relating to service requirements;

§ Items in the quality management specification related to the control of service processes.

Among the persons conducting the analysis of the project should be representatives of all functional units on which the quality of the service depends at the stage under consideration. The design review should identify present and suggest future problem areas and inconsistencies and initiate activities so that:

— the completed specifications for the service and service delivery meet the customer’s requirements;

— the quality control specification is adequate to provide accurate information about the quality of the service provided.


At the end of this work, the following conclusions should be drawn:

Quality indicators are quantitatively or qualitatively established specific requirements for the characteristics (properties) of an object, making it possible to implement and verify them.

Quality control is an activity that includes measurements, examinations, tests or evaluation of the parameters of an object and comparison of the obtained values ​​with the established requirements for these parameters (quality indicators).

The main task of quality control is to prevent the appearance of defects. Therefore, during the control, a constant analysis of the specified deviations of the product parameters from the established requirements is carried out. In the event that the parameters of the products do not meet the specified quality indicators, the quality control system will help to quickly identify the most likely causes of the discrepancy and eliminate them.

The product quality assurance system is based on standardization. Mandatory quality requirements are included in the state standards of the Russian Federation – product standards. The nomenclature of quality indicators for homogeneous products is established in the state standards of the System of Quality Indicators (SIC).

The most important problems of the organization of quality control are the problems of human relations. The main difficulty that one has to face is the natural resistance of the employees of firms to any changes.

In order to cultivate a conscious attitude to quality and mobilize forces to fight for quality, a so-called quality promotion unit can be created at the enterprise. This is essential to the successful implementation of comprehensive quality programs. This group, which sometimes reports directly to the firm’s management, is responsible for quality assurance training and quality control training.

The main effect that is achieved when creating quality circles is the involvement of enterprise employees in improving the work of the enterprise, in activating creativity, when the creative potential of each increases in the joint solution of specific common problems, as well as specific tasks of improving quality and reducing production costs, reducing unproductive losses and growth of production culture.

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About Williams Harris

Williams Harris has been working in internet marketing industry for more than a decade. He has also done lots of writing in this time and wrote on various topics for not only his blogs but for his clients as well.

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